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Don’t Hire A Workers Comp Lawyer Until You’ve Read This

Don’t Hire A Workers Comp Lawyer Until You’ve Read This

If you’ve been injured at work, you may be wondering what steps you need to take to get the compensation you deserve.

Although there are some cases where you may be able to represent yourself, you will often be better off hiring a professional workers compensation attorney.

Cases Where You Can Represent Yourself

A Utah workers compensation attorney can help get you the money you’ll need to cover your medical expenses. However, they are not be necessary in all cases. If all of the following are true, you may be able to represent yourself:

  • You were involved in a minor accident at work, leading to an injury such as a sprained ankle or a cut that needed just a few stitches
  • Your employer admits to the accident and that is was responsible for causing your injuries
  • You did not have to miss much time at work due to the injury
  • You have no preexising conditions that are related to the injury. Preexisting conditions make injury claims more complicated, as your employer can downplay the role the accident played in your injuries.

Workplace injuries are quite common, and many of them will fit this description. However, even if your case is similar to the one you described above, you should still consider reaching out to a personal injury attorney.

Many personal injury attorneys offer free consultations, where they can advise you on your case and what your legal options are. The attorney can also alert you to any potential complications in your case, and whether they believe that it can be handled without professional legal representation.

When You Should Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

If you were involved in an accident that caused serious injuries, or you are having issues dealing with your employer or their insurer, you should reach out to a personal injury attorney.

Utah workers comp law can be complicated, even in cases involving minor injuries. Here are some cases where an attorney is needed:

  • Your employer denies that the accident occurred, or claims that it did not cause any injuries. Employers will not always acknowledge that an accident took place. They may also not file a report, or try to downplay the extent of your injuries. If this is the case, then you need to reach out to a personal injury attorney right away
  • The insurance company is slow to issue payments. Even if you are able to get a payout from your employer’s insurance company, that doesn’t mean you’ll get the money that you are entitled to. Many insurance companies delay payments, which can lead to problems paying for medical care and making up for lost wages. If you are not receiving the payments you are owed in a timely manner, you should reach out to a personal injury attorney.
  • The settlement does not cover all of your medical expenses or lost income. Insurance companies often try to lowball workers, giving them quick settlements that fall far short of the amount needed to fully cover medical costs. This can put you and your family’s financial future at risk. That’s why you need a skilled personal injury attorney to make sure that you are getting the maximum possible settlement for your case.
  • You currently receive or plan on applying for Social Security disability benefits. Settlements in workers comp cases can have an impact on the value of Social Security disability benefits. That’s why you need an experience personal injury attorney to make sure that the structure of your settlement won’t negatively affect your Social Security benefits.
  • Your boss punishes you for filing a workers comp claim. You are within your rights to file a claim if you’ve been injured at work. Unfortunately, many employers retaliate by reducing wages, cutting hours, or bullying their workers. If you are being punished by your employer, you need to contact a workers comp attorney. They can help you protect your rights and prevent workplace mistreatment.
  • You were injured by a third party while at work. In some cases, workplace injuries are due to the negligence of a third party. This can make seeking damages more complicated, as you must file a lawsuit against a party outside of the workplace. A personal injury attorney can help you navigate your legal options and choose a strategy that is best for your case.
  • Your employer does not have workers comp insurance. Employers are required by law to have workers comp insurance. However, some employers still may not carry this insurance. If that’s the case, you should get in touch with a personal injury attorney. You’re still entitled to seek full compensation for your injuries. Your attorney can help you choose the appropriate legal action for your case.

What A Personal Injury Attorney Can Do For You

An experienced personal injury attorney does a lot more than file paperwork. In addition to helping you meet all deadlines and prepare documents, a personal injury attorney gathers evidence and fights the insurance companies for you.

They also help draft settlement agreements, ensuring that you get the proper payment for your injuries, and that these payments are delivered in a timely manner. And if your case goes to trial, your attorney will prepare you for and represent you in court.

At Davis & Sanchez, our focus to help workers who have been ignored by their employers. Nowadays, it’s harder than ever to get a fair settlement in a workers comp case. Employers and their insurers work together to reduce the value of your claim by downplaying the severity of your injuries.

And the insurance companies protect themselves with armies of highly paid attorneys. That’s why you need an experienced personal injury attorney who is on your side.

At Davis & Sanchez, we give you an honest evaluation of your case and fight to win you the maximum possible settlement. With us, you’re much more than just a case number.

If you have any questions about your Utah or Idaho personal injury case, contact us today. We offer free case evaluations, where we meet in person to discuss every detail of your case, and how our attorneys can get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries.


Zero out-of-pocket costs, crystal-clear communication, immediate action on your case. With hundreds of clients served and years of combined experience, the attorneys of Davis Sanchez are known for their dedication to winning maximum settlements and judgments for their clients.

*The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

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