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What if My Employer Won’t Report My Injury?

What if My Employer Won’t Report My Injury?

You don’t have to report this injury. The insurance company won’t cover it anyway, so why don’t you just put it on your own insurance?

We’ve seen this time and time again, and it’s still just as dishonest as ever.

Cases like this happen in many different industries, but it’s especially common in construction and related fields—where managers encourage employees to not report injuries because it will interfere with safety bonuses.

Don’t listen to them. What they’re doing is illegal.

Employers are legally required to report any injuries to the labor commission, excluding ones that only need basic first-aid treatment. So why would employers refuse to file a claim?

At the end of the day, your employer pays insurance premiums just like you pay on your car or home. The more claims they file, the more their premiums can go up. It’s a simple case of your employer wanting to keep costs low by not reporting your injury.

There have been so many cases of injured workers over the years who were duped into not filing a claim on time, only to realize later that they were barred from filing a claim because their 180-day filing window had already passed. And of course, their managers conveniently forgot about any and all conversations regarding the injury.

If your employer is refusing to file your Utah workers comp claim, you need to take action. This applies to any to our Idaho workers compensation attorneys as well. It’s your responsibility to provide your employer with notification of your injury within 180 days of its occurrence, and it’s their responsibility to report that injury within 7 days of your notification.

If you’ve done your part but your boss hasn’t, give us a call immediately. Every day you wait is a day that your window of opportunity might close. Take the first step now so you can start receiving the benefits you deserve ASAP.


Zero out-of-pocket costs, crystal-clear communication, immediate action on your case. With hundreds of clients served and years of combined experience, the attorneys of Davis Sanchez are known for their dedication to winning maximum settlements and judgments for their clients.

*The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

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